[102.x] Sales analysis by mandate

[102.x] Sales analysis by mandate


This report is based on the invoices issued within the defined period. For the selected user or users, the invoiced sales per mandate are consolidated and the user's share is displayed in hours and as an amount. The average hourly rate achieved is also calculated from this.

Click "Run Script" to start the script contained in the report. There are three queries:

Enter the desired evaluation period here. Valid entries are:
  1. leave blank for 'all dates'
  2. YTD for the period from January 1st to the current date of this year
  3. q1, q2, q3 or q4 for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th quarter of the current year or q1/20 , q2/2020 for other years
  4. s1, s2 for the 1st or 2nd semester of the current year
  5. YYYY or YY for dates of that year
  6. -DD.MM.YYYY all data up to this date
  7. DD.MM.YYYY- all dates from this date to today

Enter the abbreviation of the desired clerk here. If you enter several abbreviations, they must be separated by a comma. If you leave the field empty, all clerks will be evaluated.


To install the report, you must have administrator rights in timeSensor LEGAL. Copy the enclosed ZIP file to your desktop and unzip it. In tSL, go to the Special section. In the Statistics button, select the Reports window. Drag and drop the unzipped file to the left pane with report templates.


The community report templates in this area are available to you free of charge and are provided by timeSensor AG, its partners or customers. They serve as a source of inspiration for creating your own report templates. Please note that neither timeSensor AG nor the authors of the templates assume any liability for any errors or suitability for specific purposes. It is possible that certain data structures in the database are required in order to use the report templates correctly, and these structures may differ between different customers. Please note that there is no support for community report templates.

If you would like a customized report template for your law firm, please contact the timeSensor AG sales team at sales@timesensor.ch .


The number before the period in the Version field denotes the report number and the number after the period denotes the version number. You can update a report at any time, unless you have changed it according to your own needs, by simply reinstalling the new version.

02/10/21102.1First version
Evaluation error fixed.
Fixed totalization error.
A two-digit year can now also be entered.
Advance and partial invoices were excluded from the evaluation.
Correction of an error message when starting the report.
Added progress indicator.