The three most common user errors when checking out and checking in documents

The three most common user errors when checking out and checking in documents


AtCheck outa document in the designs of the database is copied to the user's workplace, where it changes and then byCheck inback to the database. In this process, user errors may cause the desired version not to be in the DMS. This article describes the mechanics of check-in and check-out and warns against some typical user errors.

How does check-out and check-in work?

Do in the areaDesignby timeSensor LEGAL double-clicking on a document, so the following happens (slightly simplifies):
  1. Your client requires the desired document from the database server
  2. Database Server searches the document in the document directory on the server hard drive
  3. Database Server sends the desired document to your client
  4. Your client saves the document in a temporary directory called "EXTERNAL_DOCS" on your workplace
  5. The client simulates a double-click on the document: now Word usually opens with the document
By double-clicking on the red document displayed in timeSensor LEGAL, the document is checked in again. Now (slightly simplified) the following happens:
  1. Your client searches the document in the temporary directory "EXTERNAL_DOCS"
  2. When found, the client loads the document from the hard drive and sends it to the database server
  3. The database server stores the document in the document directory on the server hard drive of the server
  4. The client moves the document to the help folder "EXTERNAL_DOCS_DISCARDED", where it remains for a certain time

What user errors must be avoided?

Error No. 1: First check in, then close

When you double-click on the red document in timeSensor LEGAL, timeSensor LEGAL imports the document on the hard drivein the state of last storage!So make sure to close the document before checking in again. When you check out, change, check in and only then close the document, the changes do not arrive in the DMS. Why? Because your changes have not yet been written to the hard drive.
Tip: Close document first and check in!

Error No. 2: Cache document

Another classic is the following process: you check out and edit the document. The document is located in the temporary directory "EXTERNAL_DOCS", where timeSensor LEGAL will pick it up again when checking in. Now you would like to quickly save an interim status of the document on the desktop to send it to the client. So you select "Save As" from the Word or Excel menu and save the document to the desktop. Then continue working and then check in the document.
By "Save As" the document you edit is now on the desktop. The directory "EXTERNAL_DOCS" still contains the originally checked out document.
Tip: If the document is checked out, it must not be backed up elsewhere with 'Save As'.

Error No. 3:Use "Open last used"

Word and Excel offer a handy function: The Open Last Used menu displays the paths to the last used documents. What can be helpful for normal operation proves dangerous when checking out and check-in. Each check-out generates a document in EXTERNAL_DOCS and each check-in moves the document to EXTERNAL_DOCS_DISCARDED. If you repeat the process several times, the menu fills with paths and you easily lose the overview and may open a wrong version of the document.
Tip: do not use the "Open Last Used" menu.

Safety belts

Due to the fact that timeSensor LEGAL does not simply delete the document after checking in, but moves it to a kind of waiting room (i.e. to the folder EXTERNAL_DOCS_DISCARDED), the documents can be found even in case of problems. Error No. 1 and error No. 4 can be corrected by searching the document in the EXTERNAL_DOCS_DISCARDED folder and then manually dragging it into the designs.

For some time now, the documents have been automatically zipped when moved to EXTERNAL_DOCS_DISCARDED. This avoids error No. 3 because a zipped file is no longer accessible from the 'Open Last Used' menu.

On macOS, a backup was installed with the help of Apple Script to prevent errors No. 1: before checking in, Word or Excel instructs to close an open window. Nevertheless, you should not rely on it: the control via AppleScript depends on the operating system and the Office versions used. What works in one place does not necessarily have to work in another place. At best, get used to closing the documents first and then checking in.

The alternative

There is also a safe alternative. You can easily drag and drop-in. Drag the desired document from the timeSensor designs to your desktop - so you can check it out as well. You check in the document again by dragging it from desktop to the red document in the designs. This allows you to control the check-out and check-in process at all times and eliminate the described sources of error.

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