How do I create an additional field?

How do I create an additional field?

Additional database fields can be set up in the Additional tab of the dossier window. For example, it can be stored who signs the Christmas card from the office, whether the person is invited to the Christmas aperitif or who should receive the office newsletter.
Additional database fields for mandates can also be set up in the Additional tab in the mandate settings. For example, a law firm handling trademark law mandates could use the fields to manage the trademark (filing date, expiration dates, etc.).

A new field in the dossier becomes visible and usable in all dossier windows of all address types. A new field in the mandate settings is visible and usable for all mandates.

Set up additional fields

To be able to create or modify additional fields, you need administrator rights . Otherwise you can only use the fields, but not change them. The additional fields are grouped by field type:
  1. Alpha fields can contain text expressions up to 255 characters
  2. Date fields can hold dates
  3. Boolean fields are "Yes/No" or "True/False" fields
  4. Decimal number fields can hold numerical values with decimal places
  5. Integer fields can hold numeric values without decimal places
  6. Text fields can also accommodate longer continuous texts
Clicking on an action menu (light gray cog wheel) takes you to the Create field menu. The dialog for defining fields opens. The design of this dialog depends on the selected field type.
  1. field definition
    1. Give the field a name. You can also add a color to the name.
      Define the field length and possibly a default value and determine whether the properties can be changed by everyone.
  2. list
    1. If a list of input values already exists, you can store them here and force the users to select an input from the list.
  3. Filter&Format
    1. Here you can specify which values may be entered.

Confirm your entries with OK . The field is now active and can be maintained. You can also always access the field properties and make additions/changes or remove the field again.
Please note that with this step, all information entered in the field will be lost again.

Use additional fields

Additional fields behave like regular database fields. In particular, the search menus are expanded by the corresponding fields and the fields can be inserted as additional columns in the output form.
Search for additional field in addresses
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