How can I update the location and court data in timeSensor LEGAL?

How can I update the location and court data in timeSensor LEGAL?

In the download area you will find the current German local and court data. These are maintained and prepared by the following site:
Higher Regional Court Stuttgart
- IuK Department of Justice -
Postal address: Olgastr. Phone: +43 664 9301-0
Address: Urbanstr. Phone: +43 664 9301-0

0711 / 212-4141

How can our local and court data be updated?

Follow the steps below to update the local and court data:
  1. Download the latest version of local and court dates and unzip the .zip file
  2. Go to the area in timeSensor LEGALSettingsand choose inMenu Adminthe commandSpecials
  3. Select the System tab and click the button at the bottom of the dialogRead update
  4. Locate the previously unpacked folder
  5. Updating local and court data can take a few minutes

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