To be able to use timeSensor LEGAL in a multi-user system, you must install the timeSensor Client App on the individual macOS workstations.
here to go to a page where you can download the installation file.
Download the client app. It is located in your Downloads folder by default. Drag the app into your Documents folder. Double-click to unzip the app.
Note: The Documents folder is the recommended storage location for the timeSensor client under macOS, as users have full read and write permissions there. Please do not install the client in the general Applications folder, as read and write permissions are restricted there.
If more than one person works on the same computer but logs in with different profiles, the client app must be downloaded separately for each user and installed in the Documents folder!
Some server updates also include a 4D database update. If the client then connects to the server, an update of the client is also triggered automatically. However, this is only successful if the user has the required rights.
Environment settings
When working with timeSensor LEGAL, the timeSensor client communicates permanently with the 4D database. This requires a faultless network connection. If in doubt, check the connection to the server with a PING test. Make sure that the workstations are connected via LAN. WLAN is not robust enough for a database connection and even short interruptions can cause the timeSensor client to lose the connection to the 4D database.
Make sure that the workstation does not go into sleep mode by setting the sleep mode option for the computer to Never.
You should also make sure that the language and format settings are set correctly in the corresponding checkbox.
For Germany, select German as the language and Germany as the region
For German-speaking Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, select German (Switzerland) as the language and Switzerland as the region so that the terms commonly used in Switzerland appear in the application.
Start the timeSensor client after it has been installed. Normally the timeSensor Client will find the 4D database in the network by itself and the timeSensor LEGAL login window will appear.
If the timeSensor Client does not find the 4D server, a dialogue box for entering the network address of the server appears. Enter the name of the application as shown. For the network address, enter the IP address of the server where the 4D database is located. Click on OK.
Starting the next time is easier because the timeSensor Client has now remembered the IP address of the 4D database and will automatically find the 4D database the next time.
Caution: The following setting should only be carried out by experts.
For larger installations it can be useful to configure the timeSensor client so that it automatically finds the 4D database the first time it logs on. You can then install the timeSensor client prepared in this way on the workstations, e.g. with a tool such as Filewave. The IP address of the 4D database can be specified in a text file inside the client package. Proceed as follows:
- Install the timeSensor Client as described above.
- Navigate to the timeSensor Client and right-click on Show Package Contents.
- Find the file EnginedServer.4Dlink in the package under /Contents/Database.
- Change the extension of the file from .4Dlink to .txt.
- Open the text file by double-clicking on it
- After server_database_name= enter the name of the application, i.e. timeSensor.
- If the network traffic between server and client is encrypted, prefix it with a circumflex, i.e. ^timeSensor.
- After server_path= enter the IP address of the 4D database.
- If the 4D database cannot be reached on the standard port 19813, you can also enter the desired port with a colon.
- Save the file and change the extension back to .4Dlink.