How do I open a new entity?

How do I open a new entity?

You have created a new entity in a short period of time. To do this, open the Admin section in the settings and then the Special window.

Opening the settings

Click the plus symbol at the bottom left of the window to create a new entity.
In the first field, enter the desired office name, and in the next field, the corresponding abbreviation. You can define the currency for the entity in the next field. Note that the currency can only be set during creation and cannot be changed afterward.
For the VAT base, the options Not Required, Cash Basis, and Accrual Basis are available. Choose the appropriate setting here. For cash basis, you can also select the flat tax rate. You can enter the associated VAT number in the following field. To customize the appearance of the timeSensor client to your preferences, you can choose a color scheme from the palette.
If you would like to carry over data from an existing entity, you can select from the dropdown list at the bottom to automatically import the basic data from an existing entity.

Once the new entity is created, a second tab called Range will appear. Here, you can configure which data is shared between entities and is visible across entities. To simplify the administration of settings (templates, lists, text blocks, etc.), we recommend setting as many configurations as possible to Global.
Please note that settings such as account plans, bank accounts, and mandates are always entity-specific and typically cannot be shared. Ensure that the relevant account plan for the new entity is adjusted and that the standard accounts are set up correctly.


Depending on the product line, you have the option to select a color.

tSL Classic:

tSL 365:

tSL 365 customers can also add the office logo via drag and drop here to enhance personalization:

Warning Please note that creating a new entity requires several settings to ensure the data space functions correctly. If you are unsure where and how to configure these settings, contact our consulting team at so the entity can be set up during a workshop.

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