Mr Lang has a mandate 'migration law' on which an advance (VR 86-00) of CHF 5385.- was paid by Ms Hueber.
Part of the advance has been credited to the 87-00 invoice, the rest is written off with the 'write-off partial payments' command and thus made available to other clients/persons.

With 'Agreed Charges' as in the example, a credit note is generated - but not with 'Collected Charges'.
Ms Hueber is also the contact person for OETKER AG and would like to pay an invoice addressed to OETKER AG with the rest of the advance. Even after this booking, a residual amount remains, which is to be transferred back to Ms. Hueber.
In addition to the transit account for advances (usually '2440 Vz von Klienten') you need another transit account. In our example we have created the transit account 2050.
Under Cash account you go to the transit account for advances (in the example '2440 Vz von Klienten'). Note the entries marked in blue. The first entry marked in blue was automatically generated by 'Write off partial payments'.
In order to transfer the remaining amount to Fr. Hueber at the end, post a transfer to the other transit account (in the example account 2050). It is important that Fr. Hueber is entered under 'Address' and the advance mandate (mandate where the advance has been paid) under 'Mandate'.
Tip: If the address of the advance mandate (Mariano Lang in the example) does not correspond to the address of the payer (Silja Hueber in the example), first select the address of the advance mandate so that you can select the mandate. Then correct the address by entering a nonsense in the Address field (e.g. "asdf") and pressing the Tab key to open the selector window. After searching for the address in the selector window, the address can be dragged in.
To ensure that the advance is available for an invoice from OETKER AG, another carry forward is posted, this time to OETKER AG without specifying a mandate.
If you have proceeded correctly, you will no longer have a warning in the advance mandate under 'Controlling'.
The last step is to post the repayment to Mrs. Hueber, which has to be processed via the address of OETKER AG, so that the accounting in tSL is correct.