Reduced VAT in Germany - Extension for RVG invoices

Reduced VAT in Germany - Extension for RVG invoices

General information

The time to implement the temporary reduction in VAT rates in Germany (COVID Economic Package of the Federal Government) was very short, which is why we had focused on hour-based fee notes in the adjustments in timeSensor LEGAL. So you could bill them on time as of 1.7.

With a little more time, we can now also provide this flexibility for RVG invoices. From build 3309 from timeSensor LEGAL you can also mix RVG services with 16% and 19% and invoice them on a single invoice.


To use this functionality, please prepare your system as follows (you need administrator rights):

  1. Go to the Settings section. In the "Basic Data" menu, select the "Performance groups" and open the "RVG" performance group by double-clicking. For this service group, select the VAT rate 19% again and save the record.

  2. Create a new performance group "RVG 16%". assign the VAT rate 16% to this service group. Then save the new record.
  3. Close the performance groups window and open the Services window instead. You can also find this in the "Basic Data" menu. Set a new performance with the performance code "rvgc" and assign this performance to the RVG 16% performance group. The performance text can also be "RVG 16%". Set the performance to "fixed price. This should look like this:

    This completes your preparations. On the one hand there is now the power "rvg", which is connected to the power group "RVG", which in turn is linked to the VAT rate 19%. On the other hand, you have created the new service "rvgc", which is associated with the power group "RVG 16%", which in turn is linked to the VAT rate 16%.


In the dossier, you can now change the performance code from "rvgc" to "rvgc" for RVG services that should be billed 16%. RVG services that should be billed 19%, you can leave:
Leistungen RVG im Dossier
When invoicing, timeSensor LEGAL automatically considers the two codes and calculates rvg performance with 19% and rvgc performance with 16%.

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