This entry describes what you should consider when an employee joins or leaves in timeSensor LEGAL. You need administrator rights for this.
Employee Entry
1. Enter the employee's address
Go to the address management, click on the button Employee and add the new employee's address. Tip: Select the law firm's record before clicking the Plus button. This will add the new employee directly as an employee of the law firm. Then open the newly created employee's file, click the Home button and add the private address.
2. Create a user account
In order for the new employee to use timeSensor LEGAL, you need to create a user account for them. Go to the Settings section, click on the Users button and add a new user account. Don’t forget to link the previously created employee address in the user account. Use the User Address field for this. The new user must be a member of at least one user group on the Login page, otherwise, you won’t be able to save the record. If the employee works as a clerk at the law firm, you should assign them an appropriate icon as well.
After creating the new employee, you can organize the new record in the User editor by drag & drop, ensuring it is in the correct position according to the law firm hierarchy. This also controls the position of the name in the login dialog.
3. Register as a clerk (optional)
If the new employee is actively working as a clerk at the law firm, you should register them as a clerk. This will also provide them with a personal workspace. Go to the Settings section, click on the Basic Data menu, and select Clerk. Click on the large Plus button to add the employee as a clerk. Options.
If you have created multiple entities in your law firm software, you must perform this step for each entity where the new employee will work as a clerk.
Employee Exit
1. Set the employee address to "inactive"
Go to the address management, click on the Employee button and open the employee's file by double-clicking. Set the status to Inactive and save the record. The address will now appear in gray in the list. If you haven't stored anything relevant in the file, you can also delete it alternatively.
2. Deactivate the user account
Go to the Settings section, click on the Users button and open the user account. Deactivate the account on the Login page. The user will no longer appear in the login dialog and will no longer occupy a license.
3. Delete the clerk
Go to the Settings section, click on the Basic Data menu, and select Clerk. Select the clerk record of the employee who has left and delete it. Please note that the clerk record remains in the background in the database to allow performance records to be assigned to this clerk later.
4. Assign successor
If the deleted employee still has open deadlines or appointments, or is recorded as a case manager, you will be asked which clerk you would like to assign these tasks to. You also have the option to leave the assignment as it is.
If you have created multiple entities in your law firm software, you must perform this step for each entity where the new employee has worked as a clerk.
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