Mandates and sub-mandates in timeSensor LEGAL
General In a client’s dossier, you can create an unlimited number of mandates. The mandates can be organized hierarchically as a mandate tree with any level of depth. Creating a Hierarchical Mandate Structure The following illustration shows a ...
What is the difference between free support and paid consulting?
timeSensor AG offers two different services: Support and Consulting. Both have their purpose and objectives, but they address different needs. To clarify the difference, we have put together this article. What is Support? Support is a service ...
How do I change the printing order of service groups on the invoice?
In Settings / Basic Data / Service Groups, you can adjust the printing order of service groups via the Tools / Sorting and Printing menu: Danach werden die Daten auf der Rechnung sowie die Rechnungsdetails dem entsprechend dargestellt.
How do I open archived emails?
Situation You are in the archive of a dossier and would like to view an e-mail. Views Document preview If you switch from the list view to the document preview at the top left, the attachments are displayed separately and can be opened individually ...
Duplicate check
Note: Duplicate check means that the system checks whether a potential client is already listed as such. To ensure that a potential client has not already been created as a counterparty, please carry out a conflict check. Settings First, you need to ...
Conflict Check
Note: Conflict check means that the system checks whether a potential client is already listed as an opposing party. To ensure that a potential client has not already been created as such, please carry out a duplicate check. Configuration The ...
How to activate auto-save for 4D-Write drafts?
Situation While you are editing a draft document in 4D-Write, your client loses the connection to the server due to a network interruption, for example. After reconnecting, the document cannot be found. Solution Enable auto-save in the settings. ...
[116.x] Annual accrual
Contents This report provides the necessary accrual figures for the annual financial statements: total work begun, total outstanding debtors, and total advances that have not yet been credited. The report first asks for the key date for the annual ...
How is credit booked correctly?
Initial situation: You try to book a negative amount so that by clicking on the gear for invoicing the invoice image shown below. Solution: If this is the case, this is because the overpayment must first be recorded in accounting. Procedure: To do ...
How can I update the location and court data in timeSensor LEGAL?
In the download area you will find the current German local and court data. These are maintained and prepared by the following site: Higher Regional Court Stuttgart - IuK Department of Justice - Postal address: Olgastr. Phone: +43 664 9301-0 Address: ...
How does archive division work in the mandate?
Problem: An invoice was created in the Max Muster file, which is automatically included under attachments oppositewas. Explanation: An archive division is stored in the mandate, which has now been deleted. In this archive classification, the box ...
Why are foreign mandate folders displayed in the dossier archive?
Pro​​blem: Sometimes entries may be visible in the archive of a client that are apparently related to another client are visible. Example: Here you can see a word document in the archive of client Max Muster a word document created in a foreign ...
Why is an advance not automatically credited to an invoice?
When an advance invoice is created, it is necessary for it to be printed in order to be successfully placed and archived. On the other hand, it must be booked as paid to be credited to an invoice. Nevertheless, this may not happen automatically. You ...
Communicator module - integration of beA mailboxes
General The communicator is a communication client built into timeSensor LEGAL, with which e-mail and beA messages can be received, managed and archived. The communicator does not replace the beA web interface, but complements it. This article ...
What do the icons behind the services and invoices mean?
In timeSensor LEGAL there are a number of different icons that show you the status of the data record. You will find these icons in your timesheet, in the service overview of the dossier or in the list of open invoices. In the tables below you will ...
How do I configure triggering emails from timeSensor?
Triggering emails from tSL - correctly configured Background At various points in timeSensor LEGAL, for example in the dossier or in the mandate folder, users can initiate a new email. This means that tSL provides the data for a new email (recipient ...
How can I test timeSensor LEGAL 365 under Windows 11?
This article has been translated by a machine. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to us at To enable you to test timeSensor LEGAL 365 under Windows 11, we will be happy to provide you ...
What is the difference between the mail window and the communicator?
This article has been translated by a machine. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to us at Two options are available for archiving emails in timeSensor LEGAL Classic: the mail window and ...
Setup MS365 email, POP3 retrieval, SMTP sending with oAuth2 authentication
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to The set-up is done in 2 steps: 1. - APP Registration of the TimeSensor Legal application in the ...
Linking an external directory (folder) to a TSL dossier
Initial situation It can happen that one wants/needs to store data (documents of various kinds) in the office which are important but not useful or suitable for use in a database. Music or video files, for example, can become extremely large (100Mb, ...
How can I use Quick Preview to see the contents of my documents without having to open them?
General If you have a lot of documents stored in the document vault, it might be useful to be able to 'browse' through them in quick succession without being able to open each document. This article describes the best options. Advanced list display ...
timeSensor and log4j
Background In December 2021, a serious security vulnerability was found in a Java library. timeSensor LEGAL Neither the 4D database nor timeSensor LEGAL are affected by the vulnerability, as this library is not used. For this reason, no further ...
Is timeSensor LEGAL compatible with Bexio?
General timeSensor LEGAL supports the export of bookings to a large number of accounting programs ( ), including Bexio. preparations Before you can ...
VAT: Agreed vs. fees collected
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to Facturation selon les tarifs convenus Le décompte selon les contre-prestations convenues (art. 39, al. 1, ...
How is the time shift calculated when archiving emails?
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to General This article explains why the time of archiving an email can have an impact on the imported sending ...
How do I repay the remaining third party advance?
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to Initial situation Mr Lang has a mandate 'migration law' on which an advance (VR 86-00) of CHF 5385.- was ...
How can I turn on a background performance test?
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to General It can be useful to observe the load behaviour of the system through a continuous performance test. ...
How can I test timeSensor LEGAL under Windows?
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to Windows or Mac? You can test timeSensor LEGAL under macOS as well as under Windows. If you prefer to test ...
Communicator module - Integration of e-mail boxes
This article has been translated by a machine. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to us at General The communicator is a communication client built into timeSensor LEGAL with which e-mail ...
Communicator module - Working with e-mails
This article has been translated by a machine. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to us at General This article describes how to work with e-mail boxes that you have integrated into the ...
How can I import bookings into timeSensor LEGAL?
General Information From build 3414, you can import bookings into timeSensor LEGAL. Thanks to our flexible import editor, virtually any file format can be imported. Since we do not want a failed import to ruin our accounting data, timeSensor LEGAL ...
How do I export addresses from timeSensor LEGAL for mailing?
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to General This article describes two ways to export addresses from timeSensor LEGAL. Copy/Paste The easiest ...
How can I convert a 4D Write Pro document to a Word document?
General 4D Write Pro allows documents to be exported in Word format (that is, in .docx format). There are two options for this: Drag and drop from the drafts If you drag a document from the drafts to your desktop while holding down the Alt/Option key ...
How do I find archived mandates?
Archiving hides mandates and makes them invisible in the dossier. Would you still like to access an archived mandate, or even reactivate it? This post shows how to do it. Mandate folders The Find mandate folder dialog allows you to include archived ...
How do I create a collective invoice?
If a client has many mandates, the desire may arise to record services on the individual mandates but to bill them in the form of a collective invoice. In order to accomplish this, you should set up a fee file (billing file). This is a mandate on ...
How do I import addresses from Excel into timeSensor® LEGAL?
If you want to import addresses from Excel into timeSensor LEGAL, you can do it in just 5 steps . Prepare addresses in Excel and save as tab-delimited text (.txt). In timeSensor LEGAL, select Addresses - Clients - Tools in the area bar and select the ...
Does timeSensor® LEGAL support the vCard format?
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to timeSensor LEGAL supports the import and export of addresses in vCard formats 2.1 and 3.0. Importing vCards ...
How can I dictate into a 4D Write document?
This article has been machine translated. If you find any errors, we would be grateful if you could report them to With 4D Write under version 7 of timeSensor LEGAL, you had to open a special dictation window to dictate. ...
How do I limit the mandate period for cost statements (invoice proposals)?
From time to time you want to be able to print out the services listed on the dossier in the form of a cost statement. This can be done quickly using the printer button in the mandate list ( finance area). But what if you don't want to include all ...
How can I change my password?
The easiest way to change your password is to first enter the existing password in the login window and then click on Login while holding down the ALT/Option key. Alternatively, you can change your password in the Settings area under Users . There ...
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