Duplicate check

Duplicate check

Note: Duplicate check means that the system checks whether a potential client is already listed as such.

To ensure that a potential client has not already been created as a counterparty, please carry out a conflict check.


First, you need to define which criteria must be met in order to be warned of a potential duplicate.
To do this, first click on Contacts → Clients and then on Tools in the menu bar.
In the context menu, go to Duplicates via Check For.

A window opens in which you can select how many matches are required to receive a warning.
If you only select the Last Name, you will receive a warning more often, as only the surname must already be entered once in the database. This is therefore the safest method to avoid duplicate entries.
If, on the other hand, you select First name, Last Name, Zip, City, you will only receive a warning if all criteria are met. 
Please note that no warning is issued here if, for example, the zip code is incorrectly one digit off.
Activate the automatic duplicate check and save your settings.


Automatic duplicate check

If you now create a new dossier, enter the surname and switch to the first name using the Tab key, the following warning appears automatically:

Once you have checked that you have not overlooked any existing mandate folders, you can close the selector window and either continue or cancel the creation of the dossier.

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