How do I export deadlines and/or dates?

How do I export deadlines and/or dates?

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The background task Deadlines exports the data entered in the Deadlines/WV or Calendar window in iCal format. A file is written to a local path or webDav for each clerk. In practice, exporting to a webDAV share has proven to be successful, as this allows the deadlines to be subscribed to in an iCal-compatible calendar or on an iPhone/iPad. This configuration is described below.

Deadline export

Please note that only the deadlines of those clerks are exported who have activated the export in the deadline management and/or in the calendar.

Activate export

To activate the export of deadlines, go to your personal space and click on the Deadlines/WV and/or Calendar section. Look for the Tools menu, which is added to the menu bar when you open the window. In this menu, select the item iCal Export.

Another window opens where you can activate the export for the logged-in user. If no task for the automatic export of deadlines has been activated, a warning appears. However, you can already save your data manually at a selected location. If you tick Export deadlines as 'To Do', the entries are specially marked.

Please note that each user must activate the export of their deadlines individually. The settings described above apply to the user currently logged in.

Switch on background task

A separate background task is responsible for the periodic export of the deadlines of the clerks who have activated the iCal export. Like all tasks, this task is configured in the Settings - Admin - Tasks area. Select this command to open the editor for all background tasks. Then click on Deadlines to be able to configure the task.

Configure background task

In a single-user system, the task Deadlines runs in the background on the local workstation whenever timeSensor LEGAL is started. In a multi-user system, the Deadlines task can be set up both on the server and on the local workstation. It is recommended to set it up on the server. First select where you want to switch on the task (i.e. on the local workstation or on the server) and then switch on the task. Then you can determine in which time window timeSensor LEGAL should perform the export. For example, select the time span from 01:00 to 23:55. This leaves a time window of 1 hour, which can be used by timeSensor LEGAL for data backup and software updates without disturbing other background tasks. You can define the interval or the execution as you wish. The shorter the interval, the more frequently the data is updated. A value between 3 and 5 minutes is recommended. 

Accordingly, you now want to set up a local export on the server. To do this, you may need to install the timeSensor Client on your server. Set up a local export and select.... via the button. Now select the folder on your server where you want to save the files.
There are various solutions for choosing the right folder. Either you choose a shared folder in the system or go for solutions from cloud providers such as NextCloud or OwnCloud. Consult your personal IT support to find the most suitable solution.
If all settings are correct, timeSensor will export an .ics file to the selected folder for each user who has activated this option.
 Now open your iCal and select the option New calendar subscription ... under File.

In the following window, you must enter the address of the exported iCal file, and it must be in the following format:
  1. http://interne/ IP of the server/webdav/name of the share/name of the .ics file

The expression webdav in the path to the .ics file is mandatory, the other specifications depend on your system. If you do not know the name of the .ics file, please open the folder and look at the name of the .ics file. Usually the name follows the pattern:
So for example:
  1. Fristen_MMU.ics
  2. Fristen_SAM.ics
If all entries were correct, iCal will import the specified file. Please remember that a separate calendar is generated for each user. If you want to have all deadlines of all employees displayed in your calendar, you have to import the calendar of each employee. Each deadline export is a separate .ics file.

Settings on the iPhone or iPad

Now enter the defined user name and password for the shared folder here again. Select Save to definitely set up the subscription. Your iPhone or iPad now regularly fetches the deposited deadlines on the server and displays them in your calendar. The following series of pictures shows the process under iOS 13.0:


Under Windows you have the option of using an Exchange server. You can find more information here.

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