What should you pay attention to after the turn of the year?

What should you pay attention to after the turn of the year?

At the turn of the year, there are a few things for the timeSensor LEGAL administrator to consider and check. You will find the most important information in the following entry and in the article on annual accrual https://support.timesensor.com/portal/de/kb/articles/116-x-jahrabkommenung-19-12-2023-1.


Bookings that belong to the old year are usually recorded in the first few months of the new year. This is generally not a problem. You can easily backdate services, payments and invoices as long as the accounting in timeSensor LEGAL is still open for bookings in the old year. If you are satisfied in February or March that all business transactions from the old year have been recorded, then close the accounting so that only bookings from January 1st are recorded.

VAT accounting

We have created a new report for your VAT billing, which you can download here. We recommend that you use the new report and no longer use the "VAT statement" template in the addresses.

Readjusting number ranges

If you would like to start your mandate numbers again at 1 every year, you must set the proposed mandate number back to 1 when creating the first mandate in the new year. timeSensor LEGAL will then continue to count accordingly for the next mandate.
If your invoice number starts with the year (for example 2016NNNN), then go to the parameters in the Settings area, click on Finance, tab Debtors and increase the next invoice number there (for example to 20170001).

If you would like to start your archive numbers (filing numbers for archiving mandates) at 1 every year, you must reset the suggested archive number back to 1 for the first archiving in the new year. Alternatively, you can also reset the number to 1 in the parameters under Finance (however, this option is not available in all editions of timeSensor LEGAL). timeSensor LEGAL will then continue counting accordingly the next time it is archived.

Avoiding Gaps in Invoice Numbers (KMS)

By default, timeSensor LEGAL behaves in such a way that if undelivered invoices are deleted, the corresponding invoice number is returned to an invoice number pool and reused later. However, if a printed invoice is deleted, the invoice number is not reused, resulting in a gap. This is the recommended operating mode for timeSensor LEGAL, and it complies with legal requirements.
According to legal requirements, invoice numbers must be unique and sequential. For more information, see here: https://support.timesensor.com/portal/de/kb/articles/wie-sind-meine-rechnungsnummern-gegenüber-den-finanzbehörden-einwandfrei

If you absolutely want to ensure that there are no gaps in your invoice numbering, you can activate the new checkbox Reuse Missing Numbers starting from this version. You can find this setting under Special/Parameters/Finance/Debtors:

When this checkbox is activated, you will be prompted to select the date from which gaps should be filled. We recommend activating the mechanism to avoid gaps starting from the next accounting period.

Starting from the selected date, timeSensor LEGAL will check each night whether there are gaps in the invoice numbering. If a missing invoice number is detected, it will be added to the pool of reusable numbers and automatically assigned to the next invoice.
If you enable this setting, we strongly recommend that you do not delete invoices. Instead, neutralize invoices using a credit note to ensure complete transparency.

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